Colt249 posts, page 3

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30-January-2023 Monday
The yacht extinguishes the waves. Why and why sailing ships drift during a storm

19-December-2022 Monday
How sailors managed to connect space and time. Why one mile equals one minute and it's convenient))

07-November-2022 Monday
Sextant and chronometer? How to measure coordinates at sea with marine instruments from the 16th century, instructions)

31-October-2022 Monday
Sailboats are the names of masts and yards. Why is a grotto-bom-bram-topmast simple and how to swear at it?

22-October-2022 Saturday
Sextan and chronometer.The story of a watch for $ 3 million and the shot of the cannon of the Peter and Paul Fortress

26-September-2022 Monday
Needle, stick, two boards. How in the old days they were oriented in the sea

29-August-2022 Monday
Why the navigator on an old ship always survived the riot and rarely survived the attack of competitors. On the example of a spaceship

08-August-2022 Monday
Why the ship's propeller beat the paddle wheel. And why would the oar even be in the starship's emergency kit?

04-July-2022 Monday
I hammered the charge into the cannon tightly ... And what exactly did I score? Ammunition for ship cannons of the 17th-19th century

20-June-2022 Monday
A gun! They're loading the gun! How to load a ship's gun of the 18th century (ll long and dreary)

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