Colorfulbird posts
18-June-2019 Tuesday
Thank you I don't smoke!
28-June-2015 Sunday
Hell for a Philologist
04-April-2015 Saturday
Has the world turned upside down yet?
06-December-2014 Saturday
And it also happens that you sit, write something, and they come up to you and ask: “Are you left-handed or what?”)
17-November-2014 Monday
Pig, she is a pig at 60 :(
15-November-2014 Saturday
This cat, emaciated, with cropped ears and abrasions, literally burst into the private house where my parents live. And so she found a home.
11-November-2014 Tuesday
What about chocolate?
22-September-2014 Monday
Hello winter! We didn't get bored...
20-September-2014 Saturday
Food for self esteem
18-September-2014 Thursday
After all, everyone should have their own baby ..
18-September-2014 Thursday
Just beautiful)
17-September-2014 Wednesday
Modern education or lack of it
17-September-2014 Wednesday
And I got cats and I'm no longer in the mood for jokes
15-September-2014 Monday
Hello from the past? Went shopping this weekend and came across this "Ink".
12-September-2014 Friday
hello muzzle
11-September-2014 Thursday
Morning, tram, traffic light...
10-September-2014 Wednesday
The cats are working!
09-September-2014 Tuesday
"Whoa... not an interesting story!"
24-July-2014 Thursday
Who is ugly? I'm ugly?)))
18-May-2014 Sunday
This is a husky who grew up with cats and therefore thinks that he is a cat))
25-February-2014 Tuesday
Active person or girl :D
22-February-2014 Saturday
Homemade cards
21-January-2014 Tuesday
Stephen King "Badlands" (1991)
11-August-2013 Sunday