08-June-2024 Saturday
Portrait with shopping. Vladimir Vorobyov, 1983, Novokuznetsk

15-May-2024 Wednesday
The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has published a list of 74 over-the-counter medications, after which you should not drive

14-May-2024 Tuesday
“Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman...” I. Lagunov, 1980 - 1999, Chelyabinsk region, State Historical Museum of the Southern Urals

14-May-2024 Tuesday
Usikova Evdokia Grigorievna “Nursery” 1970

13-April-2024 Saturday
Works of the winners of the international competition dedicated to aerial photography “Drone Photo awards 2023”

05-November-2023 Sunday
Remains of an ancient planet discovered inside the Earth - Bild

05-November-2023 Sunday
Mysterious ruins in the paintings of Robert Hubert

19-October-2023 Thursday
Boris Kustodiev (1878-1927) “Lilac” 1906 oil on canvas. 183x136 cm

13-September-2023 Wednesday
In Libya, more than 2 thousand people died due to the powerful storm Daniel

10-September-2023 Sunday
Swimming in an ice hole after a sauna burns up to 1000 calories

02-September-2023 Saturday

23-August-2023 Wednesday
Global warming

28-July-2023 Friday
David Scott goes into outer space from the Apollo 9 spacecraft. 1969

17-April-2023 Monday
December 28, 1941. Leningrad athlete lieutenant Gaskevich S.S. during patrol service on a buer on the ice of the Gulf of Finland
