Cinikoeb comments, page 93

[94] [93] [92] [1]

22-June-2020 Monday
The photo means nothing. There's nothing for the eye to catch...

07-June-2020 Sunday
Secret door in the bathroom!

06-June-2020 Saturday
After many years, EA returns to Steam

29-May-2020 Friday
"Rostelecom" or how to throw away 790 rubles monthly

25-May-2020 Monday
Headline Masters!

20-April-2020 Monday
Help me find a game

19-April-2020 Sunday
The client's desire is the law

02-April-2020 Thursday
In light of recent events

02-April-2020 Thursday
A religious procession against coronavirus was held on Taganka

31-March-2020 Tuesday
Water is vodka, the symptom is good

31-March-2020 Tuesday
If Adam and Eve were Chinese

21-March-2020 Saturday
Volunteers who built the Crimean Bridge ask to pay them back

18-March-2020 Wednesday
The speed of light from the point of view of the average person

15-March-2020 Sunday
What Pi is yours?

12-March-2020 Thursday
Educational institutions in Portugal are closed for quarantine

10-March-2020 Tuesday
Piggy burned down her pigsty by pooping on a pedometer she swallowed

09-March-2020 Monday
Violation of safety rules at a gas station (2012)

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