Chupic comments, page 3

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08-June-2014 Sunday
French Foreign Ministry: The EU is not yet ready to see Ukraine in its composition

08-June-2014 Sunday
Today in Kyiv they said that not a single residential building was damaged in Slavyansk

08-June-2014 Sunday
Putin's genocide in Ukraine. Khokhlo-schoolchildren are annealed.

08-June-2014 Sunday
What did the Ukrainians fight for?

08-June-2014 Sunday
So here it is, Mikhalych...

08-June-2014 Sunday
End of Maidan.

08-June-2014 Sunday
Briefly about the situation in Donbass

08-June-2014 Sunday
You can't be the conscience of a people you hate

07-June-2014 Saturday
Tin squared - real zombies

07-June-2014 Saturday
An artist was beaten in Kyiv

07-June-2014 Saturday
What did Potroshenko say

07-June-2014 Saturday
Lukashenka at the inauguration!

07-June-2014 Saturday
Poroshenko's inauguration today

06-June-2014 Friday
Here is the end of the story...

06-June-2014 Friday
geyropa merges, brewed porridge, and now they want to blame everything on Russia, as always

06-June-2014 Friday
For the proposal to exclude Russia from the UN, Ukraine was ridiculed.

06-June-2014 Friday
Maidauns are dreaming...

06-June-2014 Friday
Potroshenko - you are the best!

06-June-2014 Friday
A fake refugee from the encircled Slavyansk tells about the atrocities of the Russian invaders

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