best comments
For the paranoid fearful of one-way mirrors
It's okay, this is Moscow
Mom, buy an elephant!
Looks like Google Earth has a little problem with bridges (LONG POST)
Pikabushnik from Kemerovo, share the Internet :)
Euromaidan fighters
In the field of contact.
This is a success.
Russia go home!
Mimimi goes wild.
About snipers
The walking kids
Pikabushnik from Kemerovo, share the Internet :)
Stereotypes (not mine)
Peaceful Protest 2.0
Euromaidan fighters
Euromaidan fighters
Peekaboo, we're being used.
About Berkut
we'll talk in the evening
Mini snowmobile from a chainsaw and a children's snow scooter
Euromaidan fighters
Army selfie
In Astrakhan, Caucasians kept a girl in slavery for six months and raped a girl
Stereotypes (not mine)
It's okay, this is Moscow
This is what a heart-shaped decoration should look like.
Too small bra
Euromaidan fighters
Military atheism!
Russians in online games
How to buy an apartment without bonded mortgage
Artificial muscles based on vanadium will be 1000 times stronger than human ones
Mom, buy an elephant!
No wonder I read it.
I missed it, I had to steal it right away.
30 states want to cooperate with the Customs Union
Russians, I envy you and I'm proud of you!
30 examples of love and humanity at protests
For guys foreveralone
Stereotypes (not mine)
How to buy an apartment without bonded mortgage
About snipers
A gift to the people of Ukraine from Putin
I ask for help from pikabushniki who know the law ...
Looks like Google Earth has a little problem with bridges (LONG POST)
"Honest" review of Crysis 3
The police sleep right on the street
And I have boiled, bring a fire extinguisher.
President of the Republic of Belarus A.G.
a penny
The crew of the APC survived.
Euromaidan fighters
Euromaidan fighters
On the subject of religion.
Since the previous video has already been closed, have time to see how the Cossacks beat the pusek with whips
Peaceful Protest 2.0
All math is obvious
Flight number 13.
Mom, buy an elephant!
Subway advertisement
Obama: US Wouldn't Spend $50 Billion on Olympics
30 examples of love and humanity at protests
Communism is.
It's even embarrassing :(
About events in Kyiv
The crew of the APC survived.
Blowjob: duty?
I noticed one?
That's how things are :D
He drove "Western Ukraine" into YouTube, do you guys have TV in Russia in general ebn#;e?
Schoolgirl whore from Tolyatti
An actress who doesn't have an Oscar yet
Glory to Ukraine!
30 examples of love and humanity at protests
Mom, buy an elephant!
Stalin's quote about the natural wealth of Russia and the USSR
And this is the handsome Pyatigorsk
Average portrait of men from different countries
Day number
Hot guy
A little about Kazakhstan.
Subway advertisement
Heroes of the golden eagle provide help to a friend who suffered from Bandera.
Patriarch Pavle / Serbian) / - before his death, he went to serve on a tram, or walked (photo inside)
Gazprom's victory
Internet connection problem
The hachi got bold.
Pikabushnik from Kemerovo, share the Internet :)
Peekaboo, we're being used.
Caring for the people
Blowjob: duty?
Tactical pencil
360 years since the reunification of Ukraine with Russia
Two flash drives, 10 years difference
Water in the Verzasca River (there are simply no Russians there)
This is a cap!
It's okay, this is Moscow
Rehearsal of the military parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.
Peaceful Protest 2.0
Peaceful Protest 2.0
Lithuania is safe!
On the eve of the holiday
The topic is known to all. Please help. At least advice.
About snipers
This is Lviv...
Instead of Maidans, it would be better to go to work!
Vanga's prediction
About the situation in Ukraine, subjectively, from a direct participant in the events
Peaceful Protest 2.0
Question for subscribers.
Day number
So who are the fascists?
Photographs by Sean Archer.
Yanukovych agreed to early elections
Don't you think it's a feast during the plague?
In kind, it is better to buy vegetables and fruits from hachis in the markets than from your own ...
Russians, I envy you and I'm proud of you!
Boiled, you can't be like that in your own country.
President of the Republic of Belarus A.G.
Heroes of the golden eagle provide help to a friend who suffered from Bandera.
And I have boiled, bring a fire extinguisher.
It's okay, this is Moscow
I guess it's love
Happinnes exists!
The guy is great
Question for the protesters
Drug control of Yakutia
360 years since the reunification of Ukraine with Russia
Patriarch Pavle / Serbian) / - before his death, he went to serve on a tram, or walked (photo inside)
Hooray, comrades!!! "Berkut" received permission to use firearms on Maidan protesters
About snipers
spoke the truth
Peekaboo, we're being used.
About events in Kyiv
A gift to the people of Ukraine from Putin
A gift to the people of Ukraine from Putin
About events in Kyiv
Russia is a generous soul.
I would like everything to be fair.
Selling cake.
About the insidious West
About events in Kyiv
Will it run?
Will it run?
Very captivating story
Anime quotes from nyasha ))
Russia is preparing for war
Russia is preparing for war
He drove "Western Ukraine" into YouTube, do you guys have TV in Russia in general ebn#;e?
A gift to the people of Ukraine from Putin
A gift to the people of Ukraine from Putin
For beginners
The daughter of IDGC of the North Caucasus beats Olympic records.
Courageous pencil case
Let's play?
I provide a rap anime group.
And there are such
Tanks you haven't seen.
Free Russia
Rules for beginner pickups
“Kyiv is the leader, Russia is in chains and a terrible swamp”: an expat from England shares his attitude to what is happening on the Maidan
Subway advertisement
About mulattoes and mestizos
Russians, I envy you and I'm proud of you!
Free Wi-Fi for the whole world: The Internet will replace the Internet in 2015.
Not worse than the Avengers (who remembers the League)
Russians may be allowed to buy short-barreled rifles.
Revolution in Ukraine
Day number
"For" or "Against" the legalization of prostitution in Russia?
And this is the handsome Pyatigorsk
Peaceful Protest 2.0
Lithuania is safe!
SO FSB in Dagestan
Small controversy.
Truth of life: Say bad things about one, the other will definitely not like it.
Peaceful Protest 2.0
On the subject of religion.
On the subject of religion.
Since the previous video has already been closed, have time to see how the Cossacks beat the pusek with whips
Euromaidan fighters
Peaceful Protest 2.0
How to buy an apartment without bonded mortgage
The police sleep right on the street
The police sleep right on the street
About snipers
Dog knows a lot
We went through training camps this August - we made such a hut for a platoon (we did it by a department)
We went through training camps this August - we made such a hut for a platoon (we did it by a department)
Stereotypes (not mine)
Stereotypes (not mine)
Stereotypes (not mine)
Miley Cyrus feat.
Kill the Russian in yourself
Worthy of respect
I heard here on peekaboo they like redheads)
Here's an awesome AMV
Day number
Girl of the day - cook girl
To fall or not to fall?
What to do with a drill neighbor?
Canadian speed skater Brittany Schussler was forced to delete a photo of herself with Russian President Vladimir Putin from her Twitter.
Canadian speed skater Brittany Schussler was forced to delete a photo of herself with Russian President Vladimir Putin from her Twitter.
Peaceful Protest 2.0
I never understood such claims against the security forces.
It's always like this ...
A new fashion in the city: draw a pig on cars with a crescent moon.
Hundreds of Drama
Famous people about the removal of Evgeni Plushenko from the competition
curious man
Contacting the admin
Here is a miracle settled in me: 3
Euromaidan fighters
Rehearsal of the military parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.
Rehearsal of the military parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.
Rehearsal of the military parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the fascist blockade.
Mom, buy an elephant!
And I have boiled, bring a fire extinguisher.
Looks like Google Earth has a little problem with bridges (LONG POST)
Sometimes it's good to be humble
Bad Humans.
Bad Humans.
Cleansing Maidan
Bayan on button accordion gives no button accordion
Fascists showed their face
360 years since the reunification of Ukraine with Russia
Will the Americans bomb Ukraine?
360 years since the reunification of Ukraine with Russia
Parade of Germany and the USSR in Poland