Chlentano comments, page 3

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10-October-2018 Wednesday
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 - for using an evolutionary approach to create proteins with desired properties

17-September-2018 Monday
Muslims. Or how to live among strangers.

05-September-2018 Wednesday
The evolution of the goat peg

21-August-2018 Tuesday
Lawyer's Notes Part 221

19-August-2018 Sunday
Leaving the elevator...

19-August-2018 Sunday
How Yota cuts speed.

18-August-2018 Saturday
Where on the ship is this or that resource.

14-August-2018 Tuesday
Drunk driving.

09-August-2018 Thursday
life saving

09-August-2018 Thursday
Notes of a massage therapist. Questions/Answers

07-August-2018 Tuesday
Famous women in their youth and now. 2018

04-August-2018 Saturday
The movement of electric trains "Lastochka" on the route St. Petersburg-Luga-Pskov is open with the use of a diesel locomotive on a part of the route

04-August-2018 Saturday
A few words about GMOs

30-July-2018 Monday
For those who love the excitement

29-July-2018 Sunday
In Barnaul, a student faces jail for saving a Game of Thrones meme on VKontakte

26-July-2018 Thursday
How do Chinese people ride pigs in an elevator?

22-July-2018 Sunday
Faces of pension reform.

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