best comments
Fighting alcohol
Entry #9
Entry #9
The path of the secret drunk
Entry #8
Rejection of mephedrone. The final.
Entry #10
Entry #11
Entry #11
Entry #9
Another post from an alcoholic
"Culture of consumption"
Entry #9
Entry #9
Rejection of mephedrone. Breakdown.
Alcoholism. How not to break down?
Series about mephedrone addiction
Cultural use or the beginning of big problems?
Cultural use or the beginning of big problems?
Desktop motivation
Unsuitable for alcoholism
Celebrate the New Year soberly!
Celebrate the New Year soberly!
Celebrate the New Year soberly!
Celebrate the New Year soberly!
Celebrate the New Year soberly!
Celebrate the New Year soberly!
Entry #8
Alcoholism - is there a way out?
Discussion of the availability of drugs in the State Duma.
Farewell post.
Farewell post.
Entry #9
Entry #9
Entry #7
Entry #7
Entry #7
Entry #11