best comments
Fuck how I love to smash monitors!
Do the math too :-)
From the women's forum ... They run into one idiot, and then "all men are goats" ...
This is how it happens
Judge - Contex...
Rock stars on vines :)
Introduction to SCP
Justice has triumphed
How about living like this?
How about living like this?
Parents, watch your words.
But who's a cat?
Kurt Cobain is alive
Which one is the real Spiderman?????
Young Downey Jr and Slash from Guns\'n\'Roses
More Origami cat
More Origami cat
More Origami cat
SMS correspondence between a girl and a guy.
they are waiting for their prince...
And here is my Behemoth
How about living like this?
Dedicated to perfectionists.
I have such an interesting neighbor
Finally picked a name for our new family member! Meet...
James Hetfield - 49!!
Driver's girlfriend
Flash drives are different.
Flash drives are different.