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Baker Daniil Kyutinen dies of starvation at his workplace
"Those were terrible days." Eyewitness memories of the siege of Leningrad
Happy Victory Day from Almaty!
Happy Victory!
Why was that possible?
Doctors with a capital letter
He was the wisest man! Now there are none. And there will be no more
Post #12134331
I'm learning Russian
Just curious
Siege survivor Chernyadyeva Nina Sergeevna. 108 years old
Somewhere in Kazakhstan
Remembering the pleasant moments of youth)
These are the talents that live in the Kazakh outback
More about hospitality
Photos from filming
INCREDIBLY JUICY MANTY More than 1000 pieces per day! Street food in Uzbekistan
Almaty Mountains
Getting ready for May 9
Diary of a Stuck in an Elevator
Somewhere in Kazakhstan
Reply to the post “A Joke for Atheists”
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