Chertovsky posts

21-June-2023 Wednesday
My job, Sberbank security service

05-April-2023 Wednesday
maglife48's answer to "In Moscow, thousands of Orthodox have gathered near the Holy Lake, where they plan to build a huge mosque"

30-November-2022 Wednesday
Tarot reader, marketer, astrologer...

17-January-2022 Monday
Search for posts by emotions

17-October-2021 Sunday
Magician's deformations

31-March-2020 Tuesday
Empty "best"

02-April-2017 Sunday
Capacious new words from English which are very necessary in Russian!

29-September-2016 Thursday
Cool effect with a pack of cigarettes (training - in comments)

20-September-2016 Tuesday
Striptease and magic. Russian edition strip trick!

20-September-2016 Tuesday
An easy way to get free beer at a bar

05-September-2016 Monday
The trick with the knife on the Arbat did not go according to plan ...

04-September-2016 Sunday
Focus prank with a burning cigarette (+training)

27-August-2016 Saturday
Rip your friend's bill and fix it right away...

09-July-2016 Saturday
We have a comeback here. Is it more convenient to watch episodes on peekaboo?

31-July-2015 Friday
A story full of mysteries... Maybe it concerns you?

13-March-2015 Friday
This video is mind blowing. I recommend rewinding after watching - check it out! (Friday tag "mine")

03-March-2015 Tuesday
You will show this trick at every opportunity - simple and effective! Pressed for a long time...

21-February-2015 Saturday
How to cook any dish in three steps? Checked!

26-December-2014 Friday
With all due respect to the regions, do not compare the snowfall in Moscow and other cities!

15-October-2014 Wednesday
SMS collection. (very long but funny)

24-March-2014 Monday
Reaction to a picco video in the community about magic tricks

28-February-2013 Thursday
YES! You got tired of other people's work, but this one is the most mysterious... Illusionist.
