Chelubei posts

18-October-2022 Tuesday

28-September-2022 Wednesday
Newsletter in the subway

08-September-2022 Thursday
To win, you have to play. I'm in the game)

17-July-2022 Sunday
The numbers are beautiful

13-June-2022 Monday
Interior and very nice

12-June-2022 Sunday
Tasty and point

01-April-2022 Friday
April Fool's Political Correct

04-October-2021 Monday
Peekaboo IRL

01-October-2019 Tuesday

19-September-2019 Thursday
Shall we get some music?

11-September-2019 Wednesday
Megaphone - watch your hands

26-August-2019 Monday
Desktop wallpaper

08-August-2017 Tuesday
The effect of a "big" movie on a regular computer
