Chelll63 posts

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The Trajectory of a Man’s Life”

15-February-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Artificial Intelligence”

01-November-2023 Wednesday
IOC on the Palestine-Israeli conflict

21-May-2023 Sunday
Technological Singularity

14-May-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post "Here it is, Balabanovskaya match factory"

04-May-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "Universal injustice"

14-December-2022 Wednesday
Yes .. work is not bad)

13-December-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Why does religion exist - the view of an atheist"

06-December-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post "He is such a body"

09-November-2022 Wednesday
CTapu4ok63's answer to "Advice for those who really want to become a programmer"

04-October-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Unfortunately this is happening"

14-September-2022 Wednesday
The answer to the post “The neural network does not invent anything?”

03-April-2022 Sunday
That's all Aliexpress

29-November-2021 Monday
Who are we and what is going on?
