Che.D comments

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23-August-2019 Friday
Two salad brothers for your summer.

26-July-2019 Friday
The post of fierce anger.

16-July-2019 Tuesday
The megaphone has completely gone off the rails.

11-July-2019 Thursday
About secrecy in factories.

23-June-2019 Sunday
My neighbors are brainless!

22-June-2019 Saturday
How the brain makes decisions for us and what we can do about it.

28-May-2019 Tuesday
Serfs on the exam.

22-May-2019 Wednesday
There will be no temple. The governor of Yekaterinburg made an appeal on Instagram

15-May-2019 Wednesday
Army nonsense

15-May-2019 Wednesday
Sad news for all Cossacks

12-May-2019 Sunday
Critical situation in Tatarstan: puddles instead of full-flowing rivers

30-March-2019 Saturday
From childhood memories.

29-March-2019 Friday
In Chelyabinsk, a powerlifter with cerebral palsy became a trainer in a fitness center

15-March-2019 Friday
The Siberian made a scandal, filming a doctor who worked for wear and tear on camera.

07-March-2019 Thursday
congratulations fairness

24-October-2016 Monday
About the stew...

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