best comments
Death due to the Titanic
What would that mean?
I bought a yacht!
It's awkward
Oops, it's embarrassing
Grandma's pension...
Chicken breasts in holy water
Born a man: suffered, was to blame for everything, died
History is cyclical
Response to the post "In Volgograd, a student invented a liquid bulletproof vest"
Christian Bale for GQ. October
Women's basketball
How a person drives himself into a neurosis with the help of his thinking
“I didn’t amass wealth, but made the Motherland a superpower!” What did Stalin do for the USSR, but Nicholas II did not do for the Russian Empire?
The secret is simple
It's awkward
Not only funny, but also useful
Scientists make a necrobot out of a dead spider
It's actually easier to remember
The last address - it would be nice to expand ...
Type of memory
Reply to the post "Chiri evil"
Reply to the post "As for matters of faith..."
Rabies. deadly bite
Trailer for the film adaptation of Evgeny Zamyatin's novel "We"
Type of memory
Type of memory
Reply to the post "Chiri evil"
Chicken breasts in holy water
Foreign agents in the literature. Solzhenitsyn
Great botnet for raids
Meeting in the forest
Fine linen
We, too
Type of memory
About walking (continued)
The next innovation for the administration
The main thing is not to splash
great wisdom
In mini shorts and without
Meeting in the forest
Ah, here the proofs have arrived
River Station
How to rank TOP1 in Google for high-frequency keywords and generate 25k daily traffic without buying links?
Men are randomly surviving boys
Update: plus counter
That feeling...
Response to the post "In Volgograd, a student invented a liquid bulletproof vest"
Male thermometer)
Truth of the life
Reply to the post "How I miss these statuses"
Black square
Market economy
Strategies 2023 you don't know about
About my balls (no matter how it sounds)
About my balls (no matter how it sounds)
Training without a gym - exercises with a kettlebell and with body weight
Home psychologist
Type of memory
Free lessons for those who want to broaden their horizons
Cause of the eternal conflict of the sexes
Kote drug addict - grief in the family
Sextant and chronometer? How to measure coordinates at sea with marine instruments from the 16th century, instructions)
Born a man: suffered, was to blame for everything, died
Poor call quality? VoWiFi will help!
[Update]: removed automatic ban by rating
Boots Martens vs Solovair: current state of affairs
Epuchiy MTS
Epuchiy MTS
Answer to the post "Showdown with MTS"
"Zuleikha opens her eyes" or anti-socialist sabotage
Reply to the post "Update: plus counter"
They're close...