Celfing13 posts

25-July-2014 Friday
Poster for the 5th season of the Game of Thrones and a little fsh =D

20-July-2014 Sunday
It's just impossible!

16-July-2014 Wednesday
Fig observation

06-July-2014 Sunday
Which of the characters is worthy to take the iron throne.

02-July-2014 Wednesday
Clever idea, albeit from an unloved source here.

08-June-2014 Sunday
Down with the queen! =D

04-June-2014 Wednesday
It's awkward again.)

03-June-2014 Tuesday
Now it is clear under whose name Martin is hiding in the series!

25-May-2014 Sunday
How did it happen?)

21-May-2014 Wednesday
Lisa Ledger: "Why are you so serious?")

19-May-2014 Monday
Sansa and Tyrion are the perfect couple!

14-May-2014 Wednesday
Oops, awkward situations!

12-May-2014 Monday
Ramsey Snow is a cynologist from God!

12-May-2014 Monday
Brutal attack on King Joffrey!)
