worst comments
Why am I worse than Stas!)
Sorry what?
Inadequate clients 3
"box" of data
Why am I calling a moderator
Sorry for ruining the mood.
Petersburg finally banned alcoholic energy drinks.
How do I shoot in skyrim.
For sound sleep.
10 Things Guaranteed to Improve The Hobbit
An old joke, but relevant in recent times
Again comments))
Schoolgirls in the USA 2014
My phobia.
Overton window
That same smirk when you find out that the ex that he left has made new breasts and works in a striptease :D
That same smirk when you find out that the ex that he left has made new breasts and works in a striptease :D
Petersburg finally banned alcoholic energy drinks.
Two bottles of vodka, three hundred grams of doctor's sausage