Catobus posts, page 2

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15-August-2019 Thursday
News # 88 Egyptian police arrested a belly dancer for inciting debauchery.

14-August-2019 Wednesday
News # 234 Astronomers have discovered a planet in the form of an egg.

09-August-2019 Friday
News # 6 An employee of the Russian Railways found fellow travelers through BlaBlaCar and gave a ride in the driver's cab.

30-July-2019 Tuesday
News # 5 Russian schools will refuse notebooks in the future.

23-July-2019 Tuesday
Newsletter #4 Assault on AREA 51

21-July-2019 Sunday
News # 3 Donald Trump during an interview said that he saw Schwarzenegger die ... Arnie disagrees.)

14-July-2019 Sunday
Newsletter #12 Former Mayor of London Boris Johnson wore the same socks to meetings for three days.

04-July-2019 Thursday
Newsletter #2 Some Texas schools have allowed children to be beaten.

03-July-2019 Wednesday
News #1 Messi earns more than 3926 players from the top women's football clubs combined.

28-June-2019 Friday
News # 89 Instead of nuclear disarmament, Kim Jong-un will allow Trump to open burgers.

26-June-2019 Wednesday
News #100 European court refuses to recognize the adidas logo as a trademark

19-June-2019 Wednesday
News # 99 Archaeologists have found evidence that people used cannabis 2500 years ago.

15-June-2019 Saturday
News #150 In the US, a hairdresser was imprisoned for a bad haircut.

14-June-2019 Friday
News #218 NASA asked Russian cosmonauts to fix their toilet on the ISS.

13-June-2019 Thursday
News #301 Donald Trump will force the US military to paint his wall, for the sake of beauty.

08-June-2019 Saturday
I call moderator genie 4720

07-June-2019 Friday
10 signs that you work for Russian Post

05-June-2019 Wednesday
NEWS #821 Japan will start recruiting pensioners into the navy.

03-January-2019 Thursday
NEWS #233. Police officers from the United States shed tears when they saw a donut truck on fire.

19-August-2018 Sunday
News #448 Estonian police return stolen bicycle after 15 years.

18-August-2018 Saturday
News #552 In the US, a sports doctor was sentenced to 175 years for harassment.

15-August-2018 Wednesday
News #441 Thai police caught a gang of doves drug dealers.

14-August-2018 Tuesday
News #310 Sixty-eight year old George Foreman challenged Steven Sgal.

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