CandyyPanda posts

03-September-2014 Wednesday
cats never cease to amaze us

31-August-2014 Sunday
Russian answer to Coca-Cola

28-July-2014 Monday
pure truth

12-July-2014 Saturday
Friday "mine") I put on glasses for the first time, I thought I looked like an alien, but I somehow like them)

06-July-2014 Sunday
Actors of the film "Taxi" 16 years later. The second part is in the comments.

06-July-2014 Sunday

05-July-2014 Saturday
Putin will approve

05-July-2014 Saturday
The vitality of this photo unrealistic rolls over

05-July-2014 Saturday
This photo was taken before the filming of the first part of Harry Potter.

30-June-2014 Monday

17-June-2014 Tuesday

31-May-2014 Saturday
I just gave the minibus driver "large"

13-May-2014 Tuesday
again, comments make us happy)

23-April-2014 Wednesday
There's a lot I don't understand in this world, and here's one of it

18-March-2014 Tuesday
that's really))

14-March-2014 Friday
Found somewhere on the runet
