CUJIA comments, page 37

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03-October-2024 Thursday
Wildberries pick-up points to open at Russian Post. Apparently, this is all we needed

02-October-2024 Wednesday
Why you can't buy iPhones and other expensive equipment on Yandex Market

02-October-2024 Wednesday
Yakut farmer had his harvest stolen worth 1 million rubles. For several days, the fields of farmer Artur Em from Yakutsk were plundered by city residents

02-October-2024 Wednesday
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation allowed a citizen to buy a TV for only 480 rubles. What luck!

30-September-2024 Monday
How I Got a Slightly Unexpected Diagnosis

30-September-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "I'm 34 and I haven't achieved anything in life"

30-September-2024 Monday
Children's card from SBER was a big disappointment

29-September-2024 Sunday
A great way to discourage a child from wanting to be a quad biker

29-September-2024 Sunday
I'm tired, I'm leaving

27-September-2024 Friday
Scooter riders in Moscow received 7 thousand fines for driving on a pedestrian crossing

24-September-2024 Tuesday
New trick - unlocked

20-September-2024 Friday
Response to the post "Where are we heading?"

15-September-2024 Sunday
I ask for publicity. I am being bullied by boys from parallel classes

13-September-2024 Friday
Reply to post "What's going on?"

08-September-2024 Sunday
On the organization of work and remuneration at JSC Russian Railways

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