CDzn90 posts

05-June-2018 Tuesday
God Save the President!

04-June-2018 Monday
Two wheels and speed - all that Petersburg needs

31-May-2018 Thursday
Blue will save you from fines and prison

29-May-2018 Tuesday
Lost fear!

18-May-2018 Friday
Homophobia came and went

17-May-2018 Thursday
Passionate love story of a traffic police inspector

16-May-2018 Wednesday
Most military man

15-May-2018 Tuesday
How can I afford to eat red caviar in such a difficult time for the country

14-May-2018 Monday
Police at the cutting edge of progress: Transfer all your money, freak!

28-February-2018 Wednesday
Position of independent men

16-February-2018 Friday
Joke for 35 thousand copies

15-February-2018 Thursday
As per the statute

09-January-2018 Tuesday
About the losses in the First Chechen

13-November-2017 Monday
Sobchachka booed by St. Petersburg working youth

20-August-2017 Sunday
From Manuscripts to the Sword: A European Response to Wushu and Kendo
