01-July-2022 Friday
Everything is useful in the household
01-July-2022 Friday
And that's right
01-July-2022 Friday
Reply to the post "Take care of yourself, boys, guys, men..."
19-August-2021 Thursday
Cook on the ship.
26-July-2021 Monday
How I lost 16 kilos and learned to run
28-September-2019 Saturday
It was a shame.
25-June-2019 Tuesday
Flirt from scratch
19-June-2019 Wednesday
How does a runner feel at a distance of 100+ kilometers
12-June-2019 Wednesday
Help find a dog! Moscow m. Profsoyuznaya-Akademicheskaya
29-December-2018 Saturday
Peaky Oddities
18-December-2018 Tuesday
When I decided to see the panorama of my street
16-December-2018 Sunday
Traffic regulation 80 years ago
12-December-2018 Wednesday
I am a blood donor