Bufhzy comments, page 22

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24-March-2022 Thursday
Working with wood as a hobby

23-March-2022 Wednesday
To work invigoratingly

23-March-2022 Wednesday
Megadisk will delete user files on April 1, 2022

23-March-2022 Wednesday
Printing with nylon fishing line for trimmer on a cheap printer

21-March-2022 Monday
Artificial intelligence invented 40,000 types of chemical weapons in just six hours

18-March-2022 Friday
War from an eyewitness. Part 3. My War

15-March-2022 Tuesday
It seems that the developers of this game knew something in advance about Z

04-March-2022 Friday

16-February-2022 Wednesday
Removal of a large thrombus

15-February-2022 Tuesday
3D scanner for phone

05-February-2022 Saturday
Wildberries - special issue of PVZ

03-February-2022 Thursday
Comment from VK. Ugarnul

31-January-2022 Monday
I think feeding fastidious boys can work.

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