Budlo comments

[6] [2] [1]

06-April-2014 Sunday
Protesters in Donetsk demand a referendum on joining the Russian Federation.

05-April-2014 Saturday
Odessa Medin is so severe...

01-April-2014 Tuesday
The ultimatum of the joint headquarters of the South-East of Ukraine!

31-March-2014 Monday
The world has changed. I feel it in the water, I feel it in the ground, I feel it in the air. (With)

30-March-2014 Sunday
I think I know what the budget of Ukraine will go to

30-March-2014 Sunday
A clear advantage of hanging over standing

30-March-2014 Sunday
Odessa, Kharkov, Donbass - Russia is with you!

30-March-2014 Sunday
Tale of choice

29-March-2014 Saturday
Somewhere the dad rocked the wrong way ...

29-March-2014 Saturday
Let's not cross!

29-March-2014 Saturday
It's time to go home, home to Russia!

25-March-2014 Tuesday
Fuck today (March 25) in Minsk was ..

19-March-2014 Wednesday

23-April-2013 Tuesday
Russia as it is

21-April-2013 Sunday
Here's a story ...

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Warhammer 4000

11-April-2013 Thursday

08-April-2013 Monday

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