best comments
Sex life
I heard that they love good advice here.
My only talent.
What would you do?
Airplane incident
Stunning photo
Living space
father and mother
Happy father of triplets
Inspired by tonight.
The supernatural has fallen.
How my cat's face changes when I sing high notes
About weddings
Customers are amazing!
mom vs twins
"New bike racks have been installed in the city..."
The main thing is to be a child
If you run into her at the club you will lose all your sonic rings
Beloved made cheesecakes with cherries
Dude just got a knife in the library...
Learn to tip correctly!
Ice cream with a surprise
"Didn't expect a steak this size"
Coffee to go.
But I would have hit Wallgala ...
When the wife asks where the salary is
Belarusian robbery
Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and their six children flew economy class from Paris to Nice. The photo was taken by passengers on an Air France flight.
Meme girl? The topic of boobs is revealed!)
Warcraft movie poster.
Anyone can criticize!
A story about a girl
Friendship post
The truth will remain hidden
"I don't really have anything to lose"
Dispersal of the gay parade in Turkey
Hi Peekaboo!
Kayaking in Norway
Went with a killer and a guy who lived with a man
Grannies and transfers
Money box
Where are the tests, Jack?
Tried to grow a banana at home, something went wrong
The right guy is growing
Happy Friday everyone!!
It's so easy to be deceived - 2
We came for a drink with a physicist and away we go...
Actor Friends: Vanilla Bear and Chocolate Bear
Guys, we're back in the 90s!
Meet my second cousin.
DaiGama - the lowest prices for games on the Internet!
"How are you going to get a job?"
when he told her that he saw a mouse...
Who had such a puffy trunk?
Simple angry post about advertising.
I decided to stir up such a photo.
Out of duty
How do your employees spend their free time?
Friday - don't care!
"Found an icy bump that looks like a dragon's egg"
My dad is a role model
Disgusting sexist
Negative resiliency honeycomb structure to help develop a new kind of impact protection
Washed ashore by a storm
It's so easy to be deceived - 2
I asked my dad to help me prepare for the exams.
Is that so?
Learn to tip correctly!
A childhood dream has come true!
I already got goosebumps all over my body and everything shrank from the mere sight of this photo
About weddings
The head of the traffic police of Karelia: the main thing for Stopkham is to get a video.
How real men fight.
The main thing is to be a child
Gorgeous and stunning Olivia Wilde!
Do not promise
Simple angry post about advertising.
Chrome is chrome.
me and pikabu
summer cookie
"Tyrannosaurus Paw Skeleton and Emu Paw"
I'll go to the toilet, read the air freshener...
When you take a passport photo
I asked my dad to help me prepare for the exams.
Pofigizm - he is
Is this legal???
Where is your child now?
In the Stavropol region, a cat was arrested for the debts of the owner
"Second life of a chest of drawers" PART 2
Living with TB at 27
The hint is taken, someone is sleeping on the floor today...
We came for a drink with a physicist and away we go...
Once I threw it into contact, I don’t know if it broke up or not, but I didn’t notice it in public.
- Nietzsche! .. I used the pages of this book to twist the joints. Feeling like smoking thoughts!
When you take a passport photo
As I went to the store as a child.
The first wrong decision in adult life.
The Tow Truck That Couldn't...
Help people!!!
Also stuck?
When you are low level
What to do to get your car pumped
Thanks to Snowden for this)
Cube in a cube in a cube
My girlfriend is killing the perfectionist in me
Design inventions in real life
10 reasons to start living together
Kitchen tips to help you avoid wasting food
When you have a tongue piercing
girl looking for boyfriend
girl looking for boyfriend
Inspired by tonight.
Hot shower
And where were you in a hurry?
In one of the Petersburg courtyards
Like on another planet
These people surprise me
Evening of nostalgia
Sergeant Petrov...
Happy birthday.
0.4 sec
I grew up and didn't understand...
"Get on"
Justify later
bullshit in all its glory
What would you do?
The dude is lucky a huge plus!
How dumplings are made in Belarus
China projects crying children onto chimney smoke to draw attention to pollution problem
The gods of marketing
What did they give you on February 23rd?
by the mouth of a baby
About the 'recipe for male testicles'
Living with TB at 27
Guys on a note
Case from China
Cat Again
Living with TB at 27
Nightclub twenty years ago.
Interesting geography
When you pretend to work
Learning to make websites: part 2.
Oh, the younger generation...
Another knife made by me. His name is "Aggressor"
The hairdresser
Freshman Party.
This you have not seen before!!!
New Year Dataslate: Introduction
Connections and acquaintances.
About maternal stupidity
In the United States will begin to produce Kalashnikov assault rifles
New frame from "The Martian" by Ridley Scott.
When you take a passport photo
Kitty Mask! What does the kitty want?
Up to this point, I liked huskies (((
Restoration of a grandmother's photo for the 80th anniversary.
A 14,000-year-old bison sculpture was found in a cave, Ariege, France.
"Japanese sidewalk to slow down cyclists (or walkers)"
Awareness post
Dispersal of the gay parade in Turkey
An ordinary such lawn in the middle of Krasnoyarsk.
How creationists brainwash children.
In Korea, the operator launched a mobile network Giga LTE with a record speed of 1.17 Gbps
Love each other. Forever.
Morning as it is
I love my flatmates, but sometimes they can bring me too)
The correct point of view in my opinion
This beautiful moment....
An interesting and unique post.
Cube in a cube in a cube
Such is the passion
We cook once a week, we spend 2 hours.
We cook once a week, we spend 2 hours.
We cook once a week, we spend 2 hours.
"A piece of gold in a bank in the Netherlands. If you can pick it up with 2 fingers, then you take it home. The weight of the bar is 12.4 KG"
They sold my apartment.
Thoughts about life.
Phew, lucky..
Very little time before the deadline and left to do trifling tasks ..
Chrome is chrome.
Simple angry post about advertising.
In response to a post about human stupidity
let's thank our veterans for a peaceful sky overhead
21st century generation
Friday cufflinks..
Girl, why do you go without pants?