best comments
Mexican sports journalist
What is this handsome man under number 7?
Spider reeling itself into trees
Cats can be "good boys" too!
Yatsenyuk purchased 24 villas in Miami
War in Chechnya
“A million children in Russia go to school every day as if they were going to be executed.” Psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya talks about the consequences of bullying
Whose will be 2018?
Consensus reached on Twitter.
Consensus reached on Twitter.
Whose will be 2018?
Consensus reached on Twitter.
When you smile, how can you.
Consensus reached on Twitter.
Consensus reached on Twitter.
Cats can be "good boys" too!
Consensus reached on Twitter.
The harshness itself.
In Odessa, the participants of the choral song flash mob sang Smuglyanka
In Dneprodzerzhinsk, a truck with feces spilled onto the police station
Consensus reached on Twitter.
Jump into the abyss
Fierce fight
Disabled person on the go
Inter scandal. The guests fled the studio after hearing criticism of the "Euromaidan"
A rotten pipe acts as a spark