27-January-2016 Wednesday
Roskomnadzor about blocking the rutracker
27-January-2016 Wednesday
Buffalo Chicken Breasts! A great way to revive interest in bored chicken breasts!))
27-January-2016 Wednesday
Trying to catch a hold
25-January-2016 Monday
Diamonds are mined here
16-January-2016 Saturday
Bought the fucking newest 4k TV...
15-January-2016 Friday
You wake up in the morning and this is it.
15-January-2016 Friday
The name of the cafe...
09-January-2016 Saturday
Land in the Far East for everyone
06-January-2016 Wednesday
Salt air gun
31-December-2015 Thursday
New Year's address of the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko
31-December-2015 Thursday
Speech of the Ukrainian President / New greetings of the President of Ukraine
31-December-2015 Thursday
Repair of speakers 10AC-203
26-December-2015 Saturday
Digital painting 2. Portrait of a girl.
25-December-2015 Friday
Stainless steel boat
24-December-2015 Thursday
Bikes from the online store
20-December-2015 Sunday
Japanese matryoshka
18-December-2015 Friday
I bought furniture for the office or a reasonable bargain.
16-December-2015 Wednesday
How people laugh on the Internet. We so ")))"
15-November-2015 Sunday
Driver joke.
10-November-2015 Tuesday
Prosecutor of the Republic of Estonia Kati Reitsak for particularly important cases during the process.