Bonnie1234 posts

26-March-2014 Wednesday
Comrades Ukrainians and Crimeans (I still can’t understand which state you belong to)

07-January-2013 Monday
If your girlfriend leaves you of her own free will, then she has to work for another two weeks?

28-December-2012 Friday
oops, Dzhigurda o_o

26-December-2012 Wednesday
He knows a lot about girls

24-December-2012 Monday
Putin was proposed to be included in the "Magnitsky list"

23-December-2012 Sunday
The right decision)

23-December-2012 Sunday
The internet is the internet...

23-December-2012 Sunday
That's how poor I am...

23-December-2012 Sunday
- Honey, let's have a great weekend for each other? - Ouch! Of course, beloved. - Well then, until Monday.

23-December-2012 Sunday
They knew how to make movies before 0_o
