worst comments
Emu fought...
The wife of an American diplomat killed a teenager in England while driving on the wrong side of the road, after which she fled the country.
Schwarzschild radius for the Earth.
Schwarzschild radius for the Earth.
Parry Master!
Sometimes duplex advertising is not the best idea.
Games then and now
The shooter in New Zealand knew the history well.
What will happen?
Schwarzschild radius for the Earth.
Schwarzschild radius for the Earth.
When advertising goes beyond reason
China is like that
China is like that
Released in England on July 7, 2018.
"When the teacher won't let you wear a cap in class"
The smell of high fashion
Schwarzschild radius for the Earth.
Schwarzschild radius for the Earth.
Schwarzschild radius for the Earth.
Go to the store yourself!
Pareidolia or "yes, you're all fucked up here!"
A little about evolution
Games then and now