BolnayaRyba comments, page 2

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20-August-2021 Friday
Reply to the post "Quick Dismantling"

18-August-2021 Wednesday
The design agency refused to make a logo for the LGBT group, calling the customers "pi *** ass"

12-August-2021 Thursday
You are riding a BMX through the woods

12-August-2021 Thursday
Technological connection of electricity

10-August-2021 Tuesday
While in service

22-July-2021 Thursday
When the club is in a residential building

21-July-2021 Wednesday
Bulgarian and disk for wood

18-July-2021 Sunday
An effective way to deal with gypsies

16-July-2021 Friday
The cat did not expect such weather in Kaliningrad)))

14-July-2021 Wednesday
Usefulness of a fire extinguisher in a car

23-June-2021 Wednesday
Air conditioning for poor Muscovites)

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