14-May-2024 Tuesday
Aggressive dogs keep residents of a house in Tomsk at bay. People turned to Bastrykin

28-November-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Again an old song from the military registration and enlistment office”

19-September-2023 Tuesday
A Catholic high school student tried to burn a relay cabinet in Tomsk

31-August-2023 Thursday
A man shot a neighbor's dog at the Zone Station. Police say the animal bit his daughter

25-August-2023 Friday
I went for mushrooms just now

22-August-2023 Tuesday
Show-off again from the Kazakhs) The boy is escorted to the first class

03-October-2022 Monday
Reply to "How Dad Stopped Drinking"

31-August-2021 Tuesday
In a Tomsk village, a dog bit a child on the face. The owner of the animal will pay compensation
