Bobson8 posts

16-November-2017 Thursday
Waves, waves, the sound of the surf.

09-June-2017 Friday
Secret revealed!

30-March-2017 Thursday
Registration in the server room

09-January-2017 Monday
Because we are a gang

27-October-2016 Thursday
Wave of posts, tags.

02-September-2016 Friday
The million dollar question!

08-April-2016 Friday
Bravery and stupidity.

11-January-2016 Monday
The son of State Duma deputy Mizulina and the son of ex-Minister of the Russian Federation Fursenko got engaged

27-July-2015 Monday
Divorce of corporate clients of Sberbank and maybe not only

24-June-2015 Wednesday

06-February-2015 Friday
Ignore tags
