BlogMaga posts

14-November-2023 Tuesday
Why do fortune tellers lie?

07-September-2023 Thursday
Is it possible to conjure a wish come true?

31-August-2023 Thursday
Healing: Fact or Fiction

24-August-2023 Thursday
Tarot magic deck or trick of charlatans

13-August-2023 Sunday
Which have not be avoided?

10-July-2023 Monday
Reincarnation: Just because you don't remember doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

24-June-2023 Saturday
Is esotericism just psychology?

26-May-2023 Friday
Why are all Magicians not billionaires

26-May-2023 Friday
Who is a Magician in the modern world

24-May-2023 Wednesday
Let's get acquainted or my coming out
