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28-December-2018 Friday
I took a photo for passers-by that they will never forget.

28-December-2018 Friday
My grandfather painted.

27-December-2018 Thursday
How a Russian tourist deported "Polish Tagil" from Spain

27-December-2018 Thursday
You want too much for your work...

26-December-2018 Wednesday
On the frozen river

25-December-2018 Tuesday

25-December-2018 Tuesday
Turning a terrace into a hallway in 5 photos

24-December-2018 Monday
Made the kitchen for the people as requested...

23-December-2018 Sunday
The wife begged the kitchen to do "AS SHE WANTS", they say this is her kingdom ... well, she took it and did it ... satisfied, she pampers me with cutlets and pies! :-)

23-December-2018 Sunday
Good story.

23-December-2018 Sunday
Do not be shy

23-December-2018 Sunday
The customers asked me to draw something on the wall, and I remembered that they have 2 daughters...

23-December-2018 Sunday
The wife asked to arrange a fairy tale in the room ...

23-December-2018 Sunday
I have to find and buy this sofa.

23-December-2018 Sunday
Evening Chelyabinsk

23-December-2018 Sunday
- Is there anyone? I just have to ask.

23-December-2018 Sunday
The golden section of the Great Khan Takush Maal.

23-December-2018 Sunday
Why Valera is not married

25-November-2018 Sunday
Herring caviar of own brand Auchan "Every Day"

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