07-October-2021 Thursday
Two medical riddles [and riddles]
06-October-2021 Wednesday
Back to the Middle Ages
25-September-2021 Saturday
20-September-2021 Monday
He did it
11-September-2021 Saturday
How much progress has come
03-September-2021 Friday
cat tooth
30-August-2021 Monday
09-August-2021 Monday
Business on "products from the dacha"
05-July-2021 Monday
The life of a blogger is hard
03-July-2021 Saturday
Nice little plate
02-July-2021 Friday
29-June-2021 Tuesday
Osteosarcoma, thank you for being alive
27-June-2021 Sunday
Vaccination from Vitaly Nalivkin
20-June-2021 Sunday
McCluskey family ordered to pay $750 fine for protecting their home
18-June-2021 Friday
Reply to the post "Just be happy for my wife..."
16-June-2021 Wednesday
Response to the post “While restrictions are being imposed in Moscow, covid in Israel is almost defeated”
15-June-2021 Tuesday
The answer to the post "Sleep with the window open or closed?"
03-June-2021 Thursday
Unexpectedly, it worked!
01-June-2021 Tuesday
smartov's answer to "Why the Germans are forbidden to spend the night at their dachas: we reveal the reason"
01-June-2021 Tuesday