best comments
It turned out awkward)
An employee found this while cleaning the hall after the movie. 50 shades of grey
One of the rarest eggs in the world was crushed, but people decided to save it.
And let's help the CPPK find the vandals.
Young Cord
The whole essence of democracy on peekaboo.
Next purchases on aliexpress
The colonel covered himself with a soldier who dropped a grenade during the exercises
The colonel covered himself with a soldier who dropped a grenade during the exercises
Linux haters have to admit they just can't figure out what's what
Today the PILOT group turned 18 years old!
New technologies.
The colonel covered himself with a soldier who dropped a grenade during the exercises
Just thank you ladies :)
And again about IE
This is your alibi
The colonel covered himself with a soldier who dropped a grenade during the exercises
When I wanted to copy the title of the song
The whole essence of democracy on peekaboo.
The whole essence of democracy on peekaboo.
Gentlemen military signalmen, happy holiday!
Following the post "Song about Covid" (girl's version))
Following the post "Song about Covid" (girl's version))
Gentlemen military signalmen, happy holiday!
Can I have already sent troops to the Crimea?
Flowers of the first unsubscribed Permyachka
This song can also be identified by the picture.
This song can also be identified by the picture.
This song can also be identified by the picture.
How did I find the old pisyuk)
History of one state
To tears
Portrait of Charles Vane