best comments
How to make money by destroying ads
My new car
Can't get away
The Chinese showed flight tests of a new drone taxi
I need a thief
About The Godfather
Or like this...
Freed a musk deer caught in a noose
The Chinese showed flight tests of a new drone taxi
Letter to Santa Claus
There are still real men
The Chinese showed flight tests of a new drone taxi
I play for 'fun'
My garage.
Insulin. I will give to those in need. Almaty.
Give girls beef flowers :)
Your deeds are wonderful, Lord
About The Godfather
Marshalling yard (China - Hubei Province)
Helped on my head..
This is where I felt like a master.
When your floor is rotten
Taylor Swift
Peekaboo, tell me
My new car
Turkish tattoo artist creates stunning miniatures
Return to 2007. Memasiki
love games
About The Godfather
Waiting Reality
Make a girl happy
It's not easy being a family...
Before convulsions
The atheist speaks
Replacement glass Samsung S3 Mini on the knee
Why is Harry Potter not a cake?
From acorns and sticks
Manto from cats?!
I would be in the sky ...
A story with a good ending (from brushes with love).
When culture fades into the background
Reminds me of my childhood, good times
apple vanilla
Microbes won't get through.
Training from professionals
About Christmas surprises
A retelling of Star Wars for those who haven't seen it.
I'm sorry, what?
The barrier is frozen
Chinese door vs Alcohol cabinet
How do I buy rods
Street advertising. What's wrong?
Sieve for headaches
When you're getting ready for a session and you need to take a break
Re: Snowball
About gypsies
Comments (1)
I thought it wasn't so bad..
Why do trolls troll?
My first post
Fisherman's problems
well chosen picture
Boys and girls
Not so comprehensive
Eggs of the horse of Khan Kenesary
As I looked into the water
Fast food
Price evolution in FC Maximus Kazan
Lumps in porridge
Getting to know Spike
Star Wars
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Murphy's Laws #2
The most writing pikabushniks
harmless question
Was great!
Help me remember the name of the song, the 80s-90s. Everyone heard it, I’m sure in the chorus - Ai mi sai ... lala - la - lala
I would be in the sky ...
New track coming soon
How men use a slow cooker
If you are tired of eating olive oil after the new year.
Of course I understand everything, but I do not understand this.
Harsh Siberian everyday life
When culture fades into the background
Comments do not sleep
Question to Zhenya
When I developed the skill of playing poker on 100500 tables)
I am a simple man ...
What to do here?
The guy realized that today he is not sleeping at home
History of deprivation of parental rights. Part 1. Background. Many letters
All right, you're screwing
Defrost without defrosting
Expectation and reality
DIY tattoo machine
Proposal for the League of Giftless
The church recognized the famous prophetess Vanga as a witch.
fed up
Looking for a children's book
The story of how my grandmother began to play games
When I recovered a little after the holidays
Don't watch this, I don't want to share with you
About tests, doctors and students in general
At the doctor's office:
What did you do when your milk teeth fell out?
A little story about how rolls are made :D
Children's ingenuity
And he laughs and he laughs Evil joker mischievous Cupid
After this, he must appear.
Google knows everything or coincidence
My first render.
A retelling of Star Wars for those who haven't seen it.
Mom figured out the best way to tell kids the truth about Santa Claus
Good morning.
My new car
My new car
Friends help paralyzed groom to kiss his bride
Newspaper Ru speaks the truth
Bad Scout
I don't know why but I would buy it
In the open spaces of vk comments
Magic around us
The first pregnant man in the history of mankind appeared in Britain
When the staff clearly does not like smoking customers
Karma will overtake everyone...
Why did we all suddenly decide that chickens are plump white carcasses lying on a plastic substrate?
Woman like a spaceship
Poor fellows
Poor fellows
Comments as always ...
It's easy to fool kids!
Happy Christmas Day to all of you!
Secret signs in the layout of the tiles
Coffee and cigarettes
All stools, and I am the Queen!!!
All stools, and I am the Queen!!!
Neighbor of the Year Award Winner!