BersInc comments, page 2

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20-June-2017 Tuesday
Direct Line with Priest John

17-June-2017 Saturday
The practice of walking on water.

15-June-2017 Thursday
Fraudsters are such scammers...

27-May-2017 Saturday
I'm leaving for the army! Need information!

27-May-2017 Saturday
In Western Australia, they are looking for the author of the inscription "SOS"

27-May-2017 Saturday
My bad date.

25-May-2017 Thursday
History of the cyclist.

25-May-2017 Thursday
In the morning…

24-May-2017 Wednesday
About "attentive" guys.

24-May-2017 Wednesday
My first date.

24-May-2017 Wednesday
Tm: Not for everyone

24-May-2017 Wednesday
Everyday life of a car wash part 2

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