Bell1al posts

28-June-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Brownie"

10-November-2016 Thursday
Dirt 3 complete edition freebie on Steam

24-October-2016 Monday
On the subject of distrust.

01-November-2015 Sunday
An incident on the road.

22-May-2015 Friday
Help out the smart ones.

22-March-2015 Sunday
The insanity grew stronger.

08-February-2015 Sunday
The first part of a short story. Is it worth continuing?

11-January-2015 Sunday
Over the garden wall

22-December-2014 Monday
Goodness, or what to see / read during the New Year holidays

15-November-2014 Saturday
How I went to the board or a review of the film "Weegee: the board of the devil"

18-October-2014 Saturday

12-October-2014 Sunday
The weekend is over, which means it's time to continue the story. Links in comments.

10-October-2014 Friday
As promised, I throw the continuation of the post

09-October-2014 Thursday
Attempt at writing. Please rate))

26-July-2014 Saturday
Pick-up headphones help
