BeardmanPkb comments, page 10

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04-November-2018 Sunday
How was the USSR invented?

03-November-2018 Saturday
The deputy ended up in the hospital, trying to live on a living wage

01-November-2018 Thursday
Absolutely calm.

31-October-2018 Wednesday
In Yekaterinburg, the school will pay more than 400 thousand rubles to the injured girl

11-October-2018 Thursday
The reaction of the Russian cosmonaut to the failure of the carrier during takeoff

10-October-2018 Wednesday
Bus workers in Vladimir went on strike!!!

10-October-2018 Wednesday
In the suburbs, an investigator for especially important cases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was shot dead

06-October-2018 Saturday
Firefighters go on hunger strike in Yakutia

04-October-2018 Thursday
I am for such equality with both hands

23-September-2018 Sunday
Two bytes are better than one. Advertisement for the first 16-bit computer, USA, 1970s.

23-September-2018 Sunday
Historical comparisons.

14-September-2018 Friday
How schoolchildren's meals are stolen in Yekaterinburg

02-September-2018 Sunday
US pension system

01-September-2018 Saturday
Poklonskaya on pension reform: "..where is the money, where does it constantly disappear and who is to blame?"

29-August-2018 Wednesday
Medvedev announced the agreement of the pension reform with society

21-August-2018 Tuesday
“He folded his pants and touched”: the girl who accused the Ural coach of pedophilia - about how it was

17-August-2018 Friday
Homeopathy: what is it?

17-August-2018 Friday
In Colorado, a pastry chef is suing for the right not to bake a cake for a transgender woman.

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