BceMoe comments
14-May-2014 Wednesday
Guys, can you put away the bottles, please?
06-May-2014 Tuesday
World's smartest granny tweets and loves posting selfies on Instagram
04-May-2014 Sunday
Dormitory of students of Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
30-April-2014 Wednesday
We also love good discounts!
25-April-2014 Friday
Prince Harry and Usain Bolt decided to check who is faster :)
24-April-2014 Thursday
22-April-2014 Tuesday
League of Gamers, forgive me. The whole story is about fraud.
22-April-2014 Tuesday
"I didn't press anything, it's on its own"
21-April-2014 Monday
21-April-2014 Monday
Gandalf will not advise bad people
21-April-2014 Monday
The most painful thing
19-April-2014 Saturday
Unique revolution
19-April-2014 Saturday
comment closer to reality...
19-April-2014 Saturday
I love my neighbors.
18-April-2014 Friday
Privatbank, or how to find a specialist in patriotism in 7 minutes)