Bardi comments, page 4

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24-June-2014 Tuesday
Electronic Arts such Electronic Arts

20-June-2014 Friday
Cosplay contest for games in one of the public VK

17-June-2014 Tuesday
after the success of the film Wolverine: Immortal, it was decided to release a sequel to Wolverine: bald

02-June-2014 Monday
Am I the only one who thinks this is bad?

29-May-2014 Thursday
Already 5 months fighting for his life

16-May-2014 Friday
Smiles from different countries ^_^

20-April-2014 Sunday
Half Husband Surprise

20-April-2014 Sunday
Trinity from Game of Thrones

13-March-2014 Thursday
What are you waiting to see behind the door?

29-December-2013 Sunday
Flying Dutchman part 2

14-December-2013 Saturday

03-December-2013 Tuesday
Today the president came to our faculty

16-September-2013 Monday
"Villains are cute when they have kids"

12-September-2013 Thursday
Coin of fate

10-September-2013 Tuesday
There is not much tea

27-August-2013 Tuesday
How a client chooses nail polish

30-July-2013 Tuesday

30-July-2013 Tuesday
Insect rescue

24-July-2013 Wednesday
The world's first solid diamond ring

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