BaphomethLevi comments, page 3

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17-April-2022 Sunday
Me and my two followers

10-April-2022 Sunday
Janusz Korczak

07-April-2022 Thursday
Stun grenade against theft. A man who wished to remain anonymous said he was tired of frequently breaking into his truck.

02-April-2022 Saturday
This face...

30-March-2022 Wednesday
"Sorry, there are no mutants." Debunking myths and rumors about the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

28-March-2022 Monday
"Five whites in one frame, you are crazy": American TV channels will not show Zelensky's interview because of "zero inclusivity"

26-March-2022 Saturday
SOS needs help with moving aunts from Chernihiv

21-March-2022 Monday
What is known about the plane crash in China 21.03.2022

21-November-2021 Sunday
When I decided to get a tattoo on my neck, but changed my mind in time

27-July-2021 Tuesday
It's not easy to earn championship gold medals

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