BanzayEPT posts, page 24

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26-May-2024 Sunday
Joke. A little inspired by 9 and 1/2 weeks

26-May-2024 Sunday
By _XU_yu. Insensitivity, indifference, flat emotional background

25-May-2024 Saturday
The entrance is where the exit is

23-May-2024 Thursday
What I can control: opinion, choice, desire, avoidance. (Stoics)

19-May-2024 Sunday
Anglicisms of new generations

16-May-2024 Thursday
Mathematics is the basis of everything

15-May-2024 Wednesday
A little about business planning

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Smooth emotional background always and everywhere, here and now

15-May-2024 Wednesday
1 idea, 1 design

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Setting and forming goals and checking the environmental friendliness of the goal by doing the opposite

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