worst comments
From the new photoset [8]
From the new photoset [8]
Summer is coming
From the new photoset [8]
From the new photoset [8]
Friday knitted topic
Good advice
From the new photoset [8]
Looking for a cordial friend in Moscow
How Tinkoff does not finish speaking)
Well shtosh) It's time)
How Tinkoff does not finish speaking)
Bear with big boobs
LEGO night light
I said home, so home!
Ex-girlfriend, help
My wife...
tattoo idea
Asked for
Cycle of life
From the new photoset [8]
A gift from all ... the heart
Looking for company to travel to Iceland
About Odin
Chinese "sanatorium" - overview)
How I Became a Single Father
A father with many children found out that there was only one child in his family, and drove out the rest of the children and his wife
Lost in translation
Results of the project "let's get acquainted" 13-15.05
Summer's soon;)
Bear with big boobs
Women's problems
What weird phobias do you have?
Points with aliexpress, a bitter experience.
About medicine (topical)
For those who listen to music in VK
How do I spend Valentine's Day?
About why I go without an umbrella even in the rain....
Should taxpayers spend $5 billion on free abortions?
Bad Mother
Create a sketch
Russians warned of a sharp rise in food prices in the coming months
A pack of prima
About diamonds.
Green Bank. Fraud.
And what, so it was possible?
I went to the store ...
I went to the store ...
** New Year's gift!
Meeting pikabushniks with big growth, Moscow
How quickly does the pain go away?
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
Pickup lessons for the poor
BTM Florence aka Busty J-Flo
Mood-lifting packaging design
About relationships and love
Confessions of a seasoned whore @ ba.
Beware divorce.
What was your weirdest date ever?
Ambulance and early pregnancy.
Women's problems
Women's problems
Women's problems
Women's problems
Women's problems
Women's problems
Scientists have discovered the sexiest blood type
Women's problems
Women's problems
Those who are for..
Back to USSR.
Like first sex.
Good advice
Morning warm-up
Morning warm-up
Morning warm-up
Morning warm-up
Big breasts - advantage or disadvantage?
Big breasts - advantage or disadvantage?
Initiative is not punishable
Lost in translation
Norm of life
Norm of life
How for 6 rubles they could block my Qiwi wallet
Good advice
Instructions for dating
An ambulance is a hindrance to the mother!!!
Reminds me of taking a bath
That's how they are
Help ladies !
The day was sunny and windy.
On the wave of losing weight
You can't save this track to your hard drive...
Get married
Notes for girls
While I was looking, I wanted to eat something.
A question about the behavior of older people
On Dating from Tinder
On Dating from Tinder