08-February-2023 Wednesday
Little Syrian girl does her best to comfort and protect her little brother when they are stuck under rubble
16-November-2018 Friday
Die, then we'll talk
18-July-2018 Wednesday
With a whistle down the sidewalk!
11-January-2018 Thursday
Entry to Ukraine. Help is needed.
04-January-2018 Thursday
New rules for entry into Ukraine for Russians
28-December-2017 Thursday
My job: searching for gold in the jungle.
07-October-2017 Saturday
17-August-2017 Thursday
06-August-2017 Sunday
Grandma is a flint at 78!
22-July-2017 Saturday
Case in Domodedovo
21-July-2017 Friday
Pediatric neurosurgeon commits suicide over charges of soliciting bribes
25-June-2017 Sunday
Smiley about Egyptian hard times
20-June-2017 Tuesday
Liquidation of forest microdumps
17-March-2017 Friday
Continuation of the story brought the man
20-April-2016 Wednesday
"We were the first to enter Auschwitz"