28-May-2022 Saturday
The President of France and the Chancellor of Germany asked Putin to withdraw troops and end the blockade of Odessa in order to take grain out of Ukraine!

25-May-2022 Wednesday
Finish the boyanometer!

17-May-2022 Tuesday
McDonald's has announced its exit from the Russian market!

14-May-2022 Saturday
Social network "VKontakte" will launch a marketplace for the sale of NFT-tokens

13-May-2022 Friday
WSJ announced the termination of deliveries of Lenovo and Xiaomi gadgets to Russia

11-May-2022 Wednesday
Reading book, grade 1 (Goretsky, Klimanova, Piskunova, Gellerstein) 1990 - old textbooks section. Inspired by the first post...))) OOO

10-May-2022 Tuesday
About textbooks - now I'm dissatisfied with the literature textbook!
