BESS55555 comments, page 3

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01-November-2017 Wednesday
Apophegmat of the Legion: Promising

24-September-2017 Sunday
I am learning to draw. Day 3

15-September-2017 Friday
Apophegmat of the Legion: Vile Five

05-September-2017 Tuesday
In moments of free time at work, such drawings are born

27-August-2017 Sunday
Suspicious Sketch

17-August-2017 Thursday
Poster for the game "Garage" (fanart)

11-August-2017 Friday
My personal boss for Hollow Knight]:D

07-July-2017 Friday
Some of my work, both recent and old...

07-July-2017 Friday
Why is Game Maker Studio good?

24-May-2017 Wednesday
Yelena Isinbayeva: “Esports is a huge problem”

12-May-2017 Friday
Protein Motel, part 2, or how I found shaders in the forest

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