BARin134 posts, page 7

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23-September-2024 Monday
AI from Avito is on fire)

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Question for those living outside Russia

02-April-2024 Tuesday
Do you know two words that destroy any arguments?

01-February-2024 Thursday
Based on Blade Runner

25-January-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Dementia and Courage”

09-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “In the Leningrad region, the father of a schoolgirl beat her 12-year-old classmate for bullying his daughter”

28-November-2023 Tuesday
Oh, when I get to school!...

18-October-2023 Wednesday
Regarding the separate budget

28-September-2023 Thursday
When comments are better than the post itself

17-September-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “Interesting entertainment”

14-September-2023 Thursday's response to “They go overboard with tattoos...”

24-August-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post "Who's on the second plane"

04-August-2023 Friday
How do I see those who write tearful posts that leave Pikabu

02-August-2023 Wednesday
And without fists, one kind word can sometimes convey to people the idea that they should not act like LGBT

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