worst comments
Yoooobushki-sparrows, you have to take
Me and my brother are dumb
Russian Post began to collect duties for online purchases
Didn't work
Didn't work
Degrees on the thermometer, butt
Enrages advertising in the door!
Traveling abroad for vacation
In one of the shops
Enrages advertising in the door!
Russian Post began to collect duties for online purchases
Simulator of the dispersal of schoolchildren at rallies
Average price for 0.5 beer in European countries (in euros)
Russian Post began to collect duties for online purchases
Enrages advertising in the door!
Didn't work
Advertising on a bucket
- Why are you sleeping when I'm talking to you? - I'm not sleeping, I'm praying. - What are you praying for? - To shut up and let me sleep!
Wrong turn.
Brown bear
How to determine the horizon in a full bus?
Downstairs neighbor. I do not know what to do. savehelp
The Russians can choose the name for the bridge under construction in the Crimea by voting, according to the website of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
Good friends
Oh Perm...
Ilyich. Before he rolled.
Oh.. oh good teapot